Thursday, July 28, 2011

Little Marine

This is my little Marine, my pride and joy. I love him so much! He wants to be just like Daddy when he grows up :) He says he's ready for boot camp!

 Here he is in his "guille suit" camoflaging, as a sniper, on top of the dirt hill, lol. I need to make him a real guille suit. I know that he'd love that!

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

The Hallway

Took this about two weeks ago, with my 2 megapixel cell phone. I kinda like it. I think this location has potential for me to bring better gear.

Hello all! Hope that all are doing good today. Just reminding everyone that you can get a free 8x10 when you schedule a photoshoot, now thru August 1st.
4 Days Left!!!! Spread the word!
I've been revamping my website, comments welcome and appreciated!

Sunday, July 24, 2011