Saturday, June 11, 2011

Today looks beautiful outside, I think I'll be charging up the batteries and going out to play today. There is this cute little rabbit down by the fence, but It's hard to ever get a pic of him. The first time I saw him, I got my camera, snuck through the shop, and was about 10 - 15 feet away. I was so close! I had my finger on the shutter and just got him into focus and then . .  . here comes my dog, Little Bear, stampeeding through the yard. Let's just say he's not such a "little" bear any more. He's huge! and when he's running it sounds like the front line of a football team. Pretty good for a dog who's broke his leg before :)
I hope to get a photo of that rabbit one day. I think I need to get the camo on. Although, my son, Jonas was about 10 feet away yesterday and the rabbit didn't seem alarmed. Jonas scared him off and it came back only a minute later. Or I can do a real challenge and try to photograph those little fire flies ~ Jonas would love that. I would have to think more on that one :) Well, have a great day!

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