Thursday, November 17, 2011

website moving

Hello everyone, just letting you know that my website has now been moved to  I will soon be deleting this page, so come over and take a look.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Hi, all!
As it appears, it looks like I haven't been busy at all - Well that's not true! Behind the scenes I have been really busy and will be posting many more pictures very soon!

Monday, September 12, 2011

Had a blast this past weekend photoshooting Sarah! I will be posting up a "sneek peek" soon, so keep an eye out.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Friday, August 12, 2011

25% off newborn photoshoots!

Hello everyone !
Hope everyone is having a great day! I am sitting here editing some pics that I took yesterday :)
Almost less than 9 weeks left till Jonathan comes back!!! I'm am so thankful and eternally greatful to all who have helped out with the care packages. You know who you are <3
Please remember to keep me and Jonathan in your prayers and thoughts, if you'd like to send him an encouraging letter just let me know and I will be more than happy to give you his address.
Get 25% off all newborn and baby photoshoots, now thru August 20th! Please, even if you don't have a baby, spread the word to those who do! I'm excited about this deal and I hope you are too. They wont stay little forever, and preserving those tiny little toes, and that cute little dimpled smile, will help you remember this special time in your child's life forever and when you look at your photos many years down the road, you will be drawn back to all those memories and feelings that you have :)
God Bless and Take care. Thank you to all my support and fans !
As you were ~ Joy

Monday, August 8, 2011

More deals to come soon ...

Hey you guys, I've been thinking up some more deals so keep your eyes open :)
I'm looking to raise some money for my hubby, Jonathan, who is in Marines Recruit Training. I want to send him some care packages. He's got 10 more weeks remaining. We've already sent one package of gatorade, I hope that it helped. The catch is, Is I have to send enough for all the recruits if I want to send something for my man. But that's ok. If it costs $100 for my man to have one cup of gatorade or one powerbar then so be it. I know that it would be a great morale booster for him and his battallion, for me too :) So if you'd like to help out with that then just let me know.
I'm also trying to raise a little extra cash for a welcome home party in October. He graduates October 14th - seems like a good ways away, but I need you guys to keep me busy :) So spread the word that Joy Russell Photography is back in business and going stong. I also have new help :) My Sis-N-Law Melissa. Yay! She is awesome, and I know that she will make a great helper. Thanks Melissa!
Please remember Jonathan and our family in your thoughts and prayers. We need it - with God all things are possible and he is our hope and our strength. Thanks guys! Keep an eye out for a new deal or coupon, I hope to have something fun available soon!
~ Joy ~ Semper Fi

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Little Marine

This is my little Marine, my pride and joy. I love him so much! He wants to be just like Daddy when he grows up :) He says he's ready for boot camp!

 Here he is in his "guille suit" camoflaging, as a sniper, on top of the dirt hill, lol. I need to make him a real guille suit. I know that he'd love that!

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

The Hallway

Took this about two weeks ago, with my 2 megapixel cell phone. I kinda like it. I think this location has potential for me to bring better gear.

Hello all! Hope that all are doing good today. Just reminding everyone that you can get a free 8x10 when you schedule a photoshoot, now thru August 1st.
4 Days Left!!!! Spread the word!
I've been revamping my website, comments welcome and appreciated!

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Today looks beautiful outside, I think I'll be charging up the batteries and going out to play today. There is this cute little rabbit down by the fence, but It's hard to ever get a pic of him. The first time I saw him, I got my camera, snuck through the shop, and was about 10 - 15 feet away. I was so close! I had my finger on the shutter and just got him into focus and then . .  . here comes my dog, Little Bear, stampeeding through the yard. Let's just say he's not such a "little" bear any more. He's huge! and when he's running it sounds like the front line of a football team. Pretty good for a dog who's broke his leg before :)
I hope to get a photo of that rabbit one day. I think I need to get the camo on. Although, my son, Jonas was about 10 feet away yesterday and the rabbit didn't seem alarmed. Jonas scared him off and it came back only a minute later. Or I can do a real challenge and try to photograph those little fire flies ~ Jonas would love that. I would have to think more on that one :) Well, have a great day!

Friday, June 10, 2011

Well, I'm excited because I just finished the new updated price list. I will hopefully be putting it up shortly. If you have any questions just ask, I can combine different things to your needs. I hope to be having coupons or weekly deals as my photography business grows.
These are good deals! I am now booking for the summer - I would love to photograph you!!!!!

Monday, June 6, 2011

It's June!

...And I'm such a bad blogger! I know that I don't post much but I do appreciate any followers that I do have. I just wanted to let everyone know a little bit about Joy Russell Photography - We are a husband and wife team, Me and my better half  Jonathan Russell, If you don't know him already he is awesome! He is a great help to me and I truly appreciate him. We do natural lighting, On-site photography. You pick the place or I do, and don't worry, If you don't have a place I have a few that I frequently use. We photograph all that there is to photograph; couples, children, seniors, maternity, newborns, and more! Just let us know what you would like and we can customize your photoshoot and make it unique to you.

What to expect when you shedule your portrait shoot:
The best times of day to shoot are early morning and late evening, that is when we get the best lighting. Because of processing times, you should plan your photoshoot aproximately 2 weeks before you'd like to have your photos.  So please plan your shoot accordingly. Your photoshoot will last approximately two hours and will be $50. Any thing over will be charged an hourly rate. You will recieve  a cd with approximately 20 photos and a signed copyright form so that you can get those photos printed. I have a few recommended places to get those perfect photo prints, but they are just recommendations. I have been currently working up my own price lists for prints and specialty items, such as, photobooks and framed gallery portraits, standouts, etc. I should have those available shortly.

What to wear or bring?
You should bring some confidence and a smile. You may bring as many props and clothing changes  as many as you'd like. I will have to say that there is no guarantee that you will get to use all of them. Some props/clothing compliment the portrait better than others. You should try to wear something that is not overly distracting such as bright patterned clothing. The best thing to wear is solid colors, and if it is a group photoshoot, wear colors that compliment each other. You don't neccesarily have to wear all the same color, just wear colors on the same color scheme : all pastels, all earthtones, etc.
FYI: Wearing sleeveless clothing or shorts can draw the attention away from your beautiful face and also add +15 lbs! So try to cover up, but it's definately not necessary, just a suggestion.

Also remember that . . .
This is your photoshoot and you will be looking at these portraits for many years to come. Every photoshoot is different and unique to you. I strive to give you the best possible photo. If you feel something in the moment and want to do it, I will definately try to photograph that, because that is unique to you. Any ideas or comments are welcome, it is your photoshoot, so speak up I don't mind, I love to hear when you have any ideas or feel something in the moment. Although if you come with absolutely no idea about any posing or ideas, don't worry I have more than I can actually acomplish in any given shoot. It's my job to know how to pose you and make you look your best ;)

Also ... If you like what you see, let me know! I love to hear feedback on my work!

Happy Summer Time!

Thursday, June 2, 2011